What needs planting now


During the autumn months, planting your spring flowering garden is vital and any experienced gardener will know this. If this is new to you, don’t worry, you’re in safe hands! For a spring garden full of colour and scent, now is the time to order and plant your autumn planted bulbs. If you plan it right now, you can have a succession of beautiful spring flowers from early spring right through to the summer months. We have a wide range of autumn-planted bulbs to choose from, all picked from our wealth of knowledge that we have developed over the years.

This autumn, why not try planting your early ‘show-ers’ like narcissus, followed by tulips for sophistication and glamour. Adding alliums and eremurus for fantastic height and for filling those small gaps between existing plants once your other spring flowers have finished. All are a must for a fantastic spring garden! You can also branch out from the classic spring flowers with our camassias and fritillaries and our delicate hyacinths. If you are unsure on what to choose, we have many collections that making choosing easier! 

What to plant this Autumn

Allium rosy Dream





















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This question was asked by
Geoffrey G

Hi. I intend to move off my allotment this Autumn/ winter. I want to take my lilies with me to grow in pots at home. When is the best time to lift them and can I plant them in pots straight away. Thank you.

Usually towards the end of Autumn, once your lilies have completely died back and have turned yellow and hollow, you can then remove the spent stems, lift your bulbs and replant them giving them some fresh compost. You can then feed them with a diluted tomato feed during active growth periods.

Lilies after flowering
The Hart Family

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